North Western Utah Adventure

A few weeks ago we decided to take the girls on a little "Utah history adventure". Since they have only known European history and culture we thought it would be fun to teach them a bit about the American West. 

The first place we stopped was The Golden Spike National Historic Site.  This is a fun place for kids, especially in the spring and summer months (May to October) when the locomotives are running. Starting the first Saturday in May, there are Re-enactments of the Driving of the Last Spike Site ceremony on Saturdays and holidays through the middle of September.  There is also a small museum and a short film presentation in the visitors center which gives you an insight as to how the workers built the railroad. 

During the summer there are several festivals happening and events so be sure to check the calendar. I would definitely advise a summer visit with kids as the park is quiet during the winter months. 

After Golden Spike we went to see the Sprial Jetty  by Robert Smithson, which is located at Rozel Point peninsula on the northeastern shore of Great Salt Lake. The Spiral Jetty is an earth work sculpture that was formed using over six thousand tons of black basalt rocks and earth.  Smithson formed a spiral that is 1,500 feet long and 15 feet wide that winds counterclockwise off the shore into the water. Depending on water levels the Jetty will either be easily seen or submerged under water.  When we were visiting the water was quite low so there was space around it to walk on the salt flats. It's a very fun places for kids to run around and play. The Jetty is totally beautiful and we loved visiting it.  

Total drive time to Golden Spike was about an hour from our house in Farmington and another 30 minutes to Spiral Jetty. The dirt road to Spiral Jetty is very smooth and easy to drive. There is no cell service out there so be prepare to be unconnected and enjoy real life. ;)