Tava Adventures

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Ava Update

We've had a lot of questions about our little Ava since her clear MRI last Friday so I thought I would give a quick update. 

Ava had a clear MRI but still has a small mass in her back. They are calling it an inactive tumor and we are watching it VERY close! This means Ava will be getting MRI's every 3 months for the next  2-3 years. After that they will be every 6 months until she is 10 years old! So, we have a long road ahead of us. 

Regarding our situation. We are living in 3 month increments and enjoying life the best we can. Ava is still recovering and will be for sometime so we do need to be cautious as to where we go and what we do. She is also undergoing a lot of therapy for various problems from the tumor and brain surgery. In a nutshell, she never learned to walk because her tumor was in the major motor function area of her brain so she is working on walking.  After the brain surgery Ava's right side of her body was much slower to recover so we are also working on stabilizing the right side of her body with her fine motor function. We hope to still travel and go on small adventures as long as we stay away from major crowds and sick people. ;) 

As far as Tava Adventures and our travel cards go, we are working our best to catchup with everything and hoping to come out with some new travel cards in the next few months. With Ava's recovery it's been difficult to work as much as we would like but we are hoping to get back into work soon.

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and love. We appreciate each and every one of you.