My kids are too young to travel

In going along with my theme on family travel I want to address the next comment that I hear all too often from parents about traveling with kids "my kids are too young to travel and they won't remember the trip, so we don't travel". I used to think this until I realized that  I wasn't going to be able to travel for 10+ years with my kids if I wanted them to remember anything. I also realized that even though I remember traveling to  awesome places when I was younger, I didn't come to a full appreciation for those places until I became an adult. So we started to travel with Taylar when she was about 3 months old. I quickly realized that I was making awesome memories and teaching Taylar about the world and even if she didn't remember it, we had fun photos to show her. To this day she loves looking at photos of herself in Norway at 14 months old, Paris 18 months old, Germany 9 months old just to name a few. I have also realized that traveling with Taylar really built her confidence as a kid. She is comfortable to go anywhere and do anything because she has been exposed to so much in her life. We are working on this with Ava and I have noticed that after every trip, Ava's confidence grows a bit more.  So, go travel with your kids! Who cares if they don't remember it. You will have the photos and stories to tell them either way. And memories that will last your lifetime.